Sunday, March 20, 2011

March-ing into Spring!

As I mention previously, I stumbled upon the inspiration to turn my "blah" master bedroom into an earthy green retreat.  This weekend for me was all about creating pieces to pull it together for me. We just had a new liquidation/closeout/return outlet open RIGHT on my way to work, so of course now I cant stay away. But again, DeStInY! I found the comforter set I have been dreaming about on sale for $35 bucks! For a king size!!! The set was missing its bedskirt, but I havent decided if I will use one anyways, and the liquidation outlet is stocked full of bedskirts for a buck! Cant beat it!

This is the comforter set, dont mind the internet picture mine is in the wash ;)

Alas, it is a walmart set.  But when you have three adorable but terrible pups who love nothing more then to sleep in bed with you, you have to make the smart choice. And regardless, I LOVE IT.  Exactly what I wanted, and I was so upset when my walmart sold out.  Not anymore!!

Then I created a new holder for my homemade decor balls (minus my hemp-wrapped ball that my naughties decided was their chew toy) by taking this 

close up incase you cant make out that price tag-it says $5, as in five dolla holla!!!!

Anywho, I taped that baby off and painted it a bright and bold green using some acrylic paint I had lying around.  Be sure when paining on glass to allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying your next coat or it clumps up and makes more work.  Here it is about half way through.

And here is my finished piece!

The little birdie is another stolen project from TDC, you can see that here.

I also spiced up my plain white digital camera frame with some of the polished hemp I got the other day. I wanted more of the raw edge look so rather than simply wrapping it around, I did the cut and paste method.  I was a little nervous to be *gasp* hot gluing on my precious electronics, but no harm done. The ol' girl still works like a champ.

I left the inner frame white for now, but Im debating on whether I need to go back in and put more hemp on, or maybe a different material. perhaps a mat with some GREEN. hmmm, my mind never stops. 

Anyways, I have a few more projects in the works, but work calls tomorrow.  
Tuesday will be the day the master bedroom revamp takes place. I cant wait to see how it all comes together and decide whether I will be painting or not!


So for literally WEEKS now I have been searching-and by searching I mean thrifting-for a cheese dome/cloche. Everyone has them, HOH and Thrifty Decor Chick were the first I saw, and Ive been craving one ever since.  I found one at a salvation army for $5, but it is more of a cheese dome and serving tray-more on that later.

The other day, while driving with my fiance I stumbled upon a little hole in the wall garage sale/thrift store stand on the side of the highway. Waiting inside was this.

In case you missed the opening of the clouds and the beam of sunlight pointing me directly to THIS EXACT CHEESE DOME--- My name is BIANCA. My soon to be last name ALSO starts with a "B".

How freaking perfect.

And it was mine for only $8.  And let me be the first to say that I was slightly taken considering it is small, but seriously, c'mon. It has a freakin' B on it!

If you look at my previous entry, this adorable thing was housing my homemade decor balls, but they have found a new home. (one of them found a new home in my NAUGHTY puppies tummies)
Where it will end up is still a mystery to me, Im just happy to have one of my own and be a part of the exclusive blog club that is cheese domes turned cloche :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Feeling Earthy :)

My fiance and I purchased our house last April, and like any other couple, since we've bought it there has been one thing after another keeping me from repainting/redecorating/remodeling every room. I have a way too many half finished projects to list, and too many ideas to keep straight.
However, I also have a case of the crazies. {aka mild ocd and spidey senses}
lately, these things have been bothering me more and more. most likely because ive been stalking through home decor blogs, but that is besides the point ;) So for the longest time I have been trying to make my decision between either dark purple, kind of an eggplant, or a grass green.  

 Today I made the final decision. Our master bedroom will be GREEN. And because I have now made my decision, Ive started to get my decorations and inspiration together.  Before I paint a room, or get my important pieces like bedding, window treatments, etc. I decided on my color and pull together a group of inspirational pieces for me to base the room on.  I have a few more to go, but this is what Ive come up with so far.

I found the idea for the Split Pea Decor Balls and that basically made my mind up for me.  I have other projects in the works, but i didnt realize i was low on hot glue when i went to the evil of all evils-WALMART.  So, I had just enough to make all my decor balls and share them with you.

I started with these, the packages were $3.50 each, super SHEEP.

Then I made the split pea decor ball by following the above tutorial
I also bought a giant spool of polished hemp and made this one following the same basic steps. Working in small sections, spread hot glue onto the ball, then place the hemp onto the ball. Begin by creating a small spiral and gluing that onto the top of the ball, then continue by winding the hemp around the rest of the ball.
(dont mind the crazy backdrop, i was too lazy to get up from the table and didnt want you to see my messy kitchen)

and last but not least, I used a dollar tree bag of spanish moss and the above techniques to create this:
BUT- use your scissors and a little "hedge trimming" and you can turn this drab ball into...


I have a few other decor balls in the works, but like i said, the shortage of hot glue tonight has left me craft-less. {not to mention this terrible cold i have}

So now, how to display these?
Of course, I will change this hundreds of times throughout the course of creating my IDEAL master bedroom retreat, 
inspirational :) 

but this is what i have so far. more updates to come!

please excuse the crap-tastic cell phone pictures. who knew macs didnt have an SD card slot?  ebay here i come! ill be digitally functioning soon i pinky sweat!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Heart Orchids

I can't give you one reason. I have probably three hundred. But I will give you three reasons why I love them! 

1.  They look tropical without looking out of place
2.  Yet they still give off that Zen kinda vibe
3.  You can get them in almost any color therefore they are SO easy to put in any/every room.

Which is exactly my goal... I would like every single room in my home to have an orchid in it. At first i was thinking that it would get redundant and look a little-eh for lack of better words-STUPID.  So I decided to do a little research!

Orchid; coming from the greek word "órkhis," means literally, testicle. (hmmm, now I am definitely having second thoughts) because the root resembles just that. 

Orchids are thought to be the second largest family of flowering plants. 

YEY! this fact is what saved my idea. That sentence translated to me as one word- VARIETY! 

So I start you off with my homemade simple white orchid.  This orchid has literally no coloring to it except the white of the flower and the green of the stem, meaning I can put it in whatever room i feel needs it at the time. (I am totally guilty of moving my decorations around sporadically)  

BUT! Before I show you, I have to tell you how I got the idea to make my own orchid!  

First of all, because I see all of these deliciously simple potted faux orchids at Target/Walmart and they are SO overpriced! But second, and most important, because the vase found me.  

So there I was, perusing my local waterfront mission (thrift store) and I happened to wander over to the clothing side.  I'm not sure why because I rarely ever find anything worth pulling off the racks, but today I got lucky!  Between two wonderfully hideous mannequins upon a rickety display table, was this gorgeous vintage bottle.  i could find any information on the bottle itself, but it had the original top on it (rusted shut).  I couldnt pry myself away from its curves and thick glass!  when i stepped back to let my eyes wander on it a bit, what did i find next to it? sand.  decorators sand on sale for $1. sold. I instantly saw my masterpiece.  The bottle was $3 and the most expensive part was the orchid stem that I found at Walmart for a whole $5. I could've searched for a better deal but I was so anxious to get this baby home and on my dresser/tv stand/kitchen counter ( I still havent found its permanent home) I couldnt help myself.  So here it is. 


So, whaddya think?  

The Beginning . . .

So I must first give credit where credit is due; I haven't always been a blogger.  I have my sister to thank for this new addiction. She is a follower of "Thrifty Decor Chick" on facebook, my first and WORST addiction! THIS BLOG IS A GODSEND  I cannot even begin to tell you the amazing things that this women does!

But now, its my turn. (insert evil laugh here "muaaahaha")

I am a shopaholic. I strongly believe in retail therapy. Someone once told me that the reason malls have those shiny tiled floors is because women hear the clicking of their heels on the tile and it makes them want to shop more. I think I have shiny tile in my brain, and someone is walking CONSTANTLY. I dream of shopping, I just cant get enough.  But, being that I have recently (going on 2 years *gasp*) become an adult and moved far far away-thats a WHOLE 'nother entry- money is not as plentiful as it once was. Don't let me fool you, I have always enjoyed a good deal. Eh, more than a good deal.  


i honestly and truly enjoy thrift store shopping. Garage sale-ing. EVEN, yes, garbage picking.

This, I blame on my mother. When I was younger, my weekends consisted of waking up early on a saturday morning, eating my cereal and helping mom circle garage sales we would be hitting up on our way to the grocery store.  At first, I HATED them. For whatever silly reason, I was embarrassed. Why would I need other peoples things? Slowly but surely I started to realize the truth. God spoke to me. Okay, I think I probably just found my first really cool treasure, but whatever it was, it flipped my switch. I wouldn't ever TELL anyone that I enjoyed it, but I secretly pined for saturday morning. The saturdays the paper was dry, hurt my heart.

I have never grown out of this

So for the most part, this blog will consist of amazing (in my opinion) goodwill/salvation army/insert other various thrift stores here/garage sale/ etc. finds that I repurpose.  But, once in a while something strikes me and I create :) those will be interesting, I promise.  I will also link you to other sites for amazing things that I find. (which I will do often, because on my 30 min drive home from work all I can think about is "oh.em.gee. I wonder if someone somewhere did something cool that I could do to my house-for super duper SHEEP." But don't be surprised if once in awhile I hit you with a total freak out attack or an amazing recipe or something else totally random. Because thats me, I. Am. A. Mess.

So, To follow in the next few days will be things I have found/repurposed/created that I am especially proud of and think that someone may find useful.