Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Beginning . . .

So I must first give credit where credit is due; I haven't always been a blogger.  I have my sister to thank for this new addiction. She is a follower of "Thrifty Decor Chick" on facebook, my first and WORST addiction! THIS BLOG IS A GODSEND  I cannot even begin to tell you the amazing things that this women does!

But now, its my turn. (insert evil laugh here "muaaahaha")

I am a shopaholic. I strongly believe in retail therapy. Someone once told me that the reason malls have those shiny tiled floors is because women hear the clicking of their heels on the tile and it makes them want to shop more. I think I have shiny tile in my brain, and someone is walking CONSTANTLY. I dream of shopping, I just cant get enough.  But, being that I have recently (going on 2 years *gasp*) become an adult and moved far far away-thats a WHOLE 'nother entry- money is not as plentiful as it once was. Don't let me fool you, I have always enjoyed a good deal. Eh, more than a good deal.  


i honestly and truly enjoy thrift store shopping. Garage sale-ing. EVEN, yes, garbage picking.

This, I blame on my mother. When I was younger, my weekends consisted of waking up early on a saturday morning, eating my cereal and helping mom circle garage sales we would be hitting up on our way to the grocery store.  At first, I HATED them. For whatever silly reason, I was embarrassed. Why would I need other peoples things? Slowly but surely I started to realize the truth. God spoke to me. Okay, I think I probably just found my first really cool treasure, but whatever it was, it flipped my switch. I wouldn't ever TELL anyone that I enjoyed it, but I secretly pined for saturday morning. The saturdays the paper was dry, hurt my heart.

I have never grown out of this

So for the most part, this blog will consist of amazing (in my opinion) goodwill/salvation army/insert other various thrift stores here/garage sale/ etc. finds that I repurpose.  But, once in a while something strikes me and I create :) those will be interesting, I promise.  I will also link you to other sites for amazing things that I find. (which I will do often, because on my 30 min drive home from work all I can think about is "oh.em.gee. I wonder if someone somewhere did something cool that I could do to my house-for super duper SHEEP." But don't be surprised if once in awhile I hit you with a total freak out attack or an amazing recipe or something else totally random. Because thats me, I. Am. A. Mess.

So, To follow in the next few days will be things I have found/repurposed/created that I am especially proud of and think that someone may find useful. 

1 comment:

  1. TDC is also my FAVORITE blog ever. Love her. And she's so fun in person too!
