Monday, March 14, 2011

Feeling Earthy :)

My fiance and I purchased our house last April, and like any other couple, since we've bought it there has been one thing after another keeping me from repainting/redecorating/remodeling every room. I have a way too many half finished projects to list, and too many ideas to keep straight.
However, I also have a case of the crazies. {aka mild ocd and spidey senses}
lately, these things have been bothering me more and more. most likely because ive been stalking through home decor blogs, but that is besides the point ;) So for the longest time I have been trying to make my decision between either dark purple, kind of an eggplant, or a grass green.  

 Today I made the final decision. Our master bedroom will be GREEN. And because I have now made my decision, Ive started to get my decorations and inspiration together.  Before I paint a room, or get my important pieces like bedding, window treatments, etc. I decided on my color and pull together a group of inspirational pieces for me to base the room on.  I have a few more to go, but this is what Ive come up with so far.

I found the idea for the Split Pea Decor Balls and that basically made my mind up for me.  I have other projects in the works, but i didnt realize i was low on hot glue when i went to the evil of all evils-WALMART.  So, I had just enough to make all my decor balls and share them with you.

I started with these, the packages were $3.50 each, super SHEEP.

Then I made the split pea decor ball by following the above tutorial
I also bought a giant spool of polished hemp and made this one following the same basic steps. Working in small sections, spread hot glue onto the ball, then place the hemp onto the ball. Begin by creating a small spiral and gluing that onto the top of the ball, then continue by winding the hemp around the rest of the ball.
(dont mind the crazy backdrop, i was too lazy to get up from the table and didnt want you to see my messy kitchen)

and last but not least, I used a dollar tree bag of spanish moss and the above techniques to create this:
BUT- use your scissors and a little "hedge trimming" and you can turn this drab ball into...


I have a few other decor balls in the works, but like i said, the shortage of hot glue tonight has left me craft-less. {not to mention this terrible cold i have}

So now, how to display these?
Of course, I will change this hundreds of times throughout the course of creating my IDEAL master bedroom retreat, 
inspirational :) 

but this is what i have so far. more updates to come!

please excuse the crap-tastic cell phone pictures. who knew macs didnt have an SD card slot?  ebay here i come! ill be digitally functioning soon i pinky sweat!

1 comment:

  1. I {LURVE} decor balls!! Yours are so cute. Great job. You are crafty!

